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manifesto object for an exhibition

Here, in this meeting of a bicycle wheel and a speaker in a wooden crate, the walls are whispering. The industrial wheel is incongruously associated with crafted oak and gives over-sized dimensions to this radio. The muscular force animates, as in a TV show or a fairground, a dynamo which remains hidden. Only a part of the wheel reveals the nature of the mechanism and encourages us to pay attention.

Material: oak, radio, dynamo and bicycle wheel

Funded by D’Days association and made for the exhibition « Roues Libres. Petite mécanique des objets animés » (curators and scenography : Isabelle Daëron and Fabien Petiot), Designer’s Days festival 2014, Passage de Retz, Paris (France), 20-25 May 2014.

Photos by ©Beau Travail-Fabien Petiot / ©Arjan Mak / ©Étienne Gomez

'The meeting of a bicycle wheel and a speaker in a wooden crate'

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