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Desk with a view

Canework is usually associated with café chairs, where it is used both for its strength and flexibility. But this "3D fabric" turns out first and foremost as a graphic net, allowing some effects of translucency, opacity and moiré, as soon as it is doubled. This desk has been designed as a screen-cabinet, open to its surroundings when the canework weave is a simple screen (upper part) and isolating the working seated one when the canework weave is doubled (lower part). A birch plywood for the structure and a clear leather for the desktop which hides three drawers are connected to the making of this plant material. Separated from the canework by a few centimeters wide gap, the leather top seems to float, while leaving some room for a laptop electric cable for example. Canework is used here for this kind of furniture for the first time. Both structurally – the stress of the canework when it dries (after having been laid wet) is used as a crosspiece between the different elements – and ornamentally, this material reveals its own qualities.

Material: canework, birch plywood and leather
Prototype by Fabien Petiot
Photos by ©Véronique Huyghe

'A moiré effect for an hide-and-seek at work'

Beau-Travail_dash and arrows-03.png
Making Of
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